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For most would-be authors, the idea of writing an entire book and working with a professional editor is daunting, overwhelming, and a bit nebulous. Many business leaders wonder: what’s it really like to write a book?

To give you a peek into the book-writing journey, we spoke with Kelly Sayre —situational awareness expert, business owner, and speaker. Sayre had turned to Niche Pressworks after first cranking out a 40,000-word manuscript on her own and then hitting a roadblock of unknowns. “I felt stuck,” she remembers. She realized she needed more expertise and support.

Starting Over with a Strategy

After getting feedback on her first draft from her new publishing team, Sayre decided to start fresh. This time, with Niche Pressworks’ help, she defined her whole book strategy before she started writing.
Her big “aha”: “There’s so much more to writing a book. There’s actually a method to the madness.” Using workbooks, applying coaching advice, and crafting a purposeful outline helped Sayre plot out her entire book before typing a single word. “I pushed back lots of times; I just wanted to start writing!” But she trusted the process.

Better Writing, Less Struggle

With the aid of her pre-work, Sayre fleshed out her expertise on the page. “The templates I received for creating a formatted document literally made the process so easy.” Sayre rarely dealt with writer’s block: “Writing with the outline kept me focused, and that made all the difference in the world.”

Unexpectedly, Sayre found that having a team of expert advisors like a storytelling coach, publicist, project manager, and dedicated editor also strengthened her content. “Without them, I wouldn’t have gotten different perspectives to ensure I was conveying the message I wanted to share.”

From Good to Great

Next step: editing. Sayre’s first check-in with her editor “was nerve-wracking,” but it gave her a chance to break the ice and get feedback early on.

“We formed a relationship—a basic trust foundation.” That made future edits easier. “It gave me that first little bit of confidence to keep going.” Sayre’s tip: keep in mind that your publishing team is on your side. “I felt that they wanted me to be successful as an author and a business owner, and I think that makes all the difference.”

It Takes Time

So let’s get real: How did Sayre find time to write and edit a 150-page book? Sayre still had to run her business and care for her family.

Again, Sayre swears the early planning streamlined everything. Her project manager helped her set goal dates, and she worked backward to target her daily writing word count. Taking a bird’s eye view over her six-month calendar, Sayre blocked out time to prioritize her book around family and business obligations. “That coordination and the clear process made it a lot easier to stay on task …

I didn’t have to stress myself out.”

Trust the Process

In the end, Sayre discovered that the writing part—“getting my knowledge out of my head to share”—was enjoyable. But having a great team helped her craft something far beyond what she could have imagined on her own. “This time around, this book is going to be huge for supporting my business goals, and I’m so excited.”

Interview and article by Nadia Bechler, content creator, proofreader, and behind-the-scenes ninja for the Niche Pressworks team.

Find Kelly Sayre at

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