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Niche Pressworks Blog

Case Study: Bold Moves – The Difference a Year Can Make

Case Study: can a book help you transition careers? Tracy J. Edmonds gave herself a year to move from corporate executive to author, coach, and consultant.

Not All Books Are Created Equal

Explore the 10 Publishing Strategies for business.

Trust the Process

Creating and Launching a Successful Book is a Complex Project. Here’s how you can stay out of overwhelm.

Turning Clients Into Heroes by Michael Hauge

The simplest, most powerful, and most profitable way to convert readers and prospects into clients and buyers is by telling emotionally compelling stories. Hollywood storytelling expert Michael Hauge explains how to do it well.

Case Study: She's Not Finished Yet

Case Study: How financial planner and artist Nancy Beck leveraged publishing to revitalize her 16-year-old financial planning business.

Writing Your Own Book

How hard is it to write your own book? Peek behind the scenes and read about Kelly Sayre's experience writing her bestseller - SHARP WOMEN.

27 Book Marketing Ideas for Business Owners

Many of the ideas you’ll find on the internet for promoting books aren’t well suited for business owners...but this list IS.

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